2011年2月23日 星期三


During the whole process of this project, it has been driving me nuts...

The starting point of the project is we all drawing out from the hat to see which animals we have got. Unfortuately, I have got "Ferret". It is a research project and it last for 2 weeks. I don't have a clue what it is and when a research it, there is nothing interesting about it.... I got so confuse by this project and I almost gave up on this.  All I did for the 1st week is some random sketches.... and there wasn't a lot sketches as well... Here some some of the sketches:

However, I was not the only one who don't know what to do. So the tutors have told us all make a zoo, make ourselves into the animal we got given and make some drama out if it. Here are the photos of that day:

The 2 photos above is the zoo we all (all the Graphic Design students in the foundation) made it together. We each quickly drew out out own animal.

The photo below is me dressed up as Ferret.....

 Others that dressed as their own animal.

The writing below just express how much I don't wanna care on doing this project.....

Luckily, I have some advise from my tutor after he has flick throw my empty sketchbook, he got "inspired" by the sketch below.

It is just a sketch that suddenly appear in my mind when I saw the fact that ferrets like to eat fish. When my tutor, Nigel saw this, he said "Why not I make a short video of me catching this thing?" Then all the ideas just exploded in my head. I then sketched out what I want in the film.

After that, I was thinking the angle of filming this out and method as well. I decided to use stop motion (kind of fail at the end) and I realised I can never do this on my own. So I found my friend to help me out by asking him to be my "Starring". Finally I made "The Ferret Hater" for the Crit on Friday. All those editing have made me stay up all night before that day. Due to the Copy Right of some of the music, I can't show it to you............ But I'll show you the one I have 'cut more things out' later.

Because this is my 1st time making and editing a video (I made this before "The Printing Machine"), This is still very scrappy and is way too long. I eventually cut it down to the one below, is still kind of too long... Although is not as funny as before but the one above is just gave people a feeling that it's going on forever....

However, people enjoy watching this and I think this is 1 of the most important thing. Now I think I need to work on a bit more on the editing side of the things and seriously need to plan it out carefully before filming it.

Here is the edited down one, hope u will enjoy it;)

