2010年9月28日 星期二

Fine Art

    Starting to do fine art last week. Things are similar to fashions and textual at the start, but this time we didn't set the still life and we allow to use all sorts of material to draw the still life.

    Here  is a 3D cardboard box model I made out of the sketches from the still life we have drawn on our sketch book or A1 paper.

    I've also been to the 100% design exhibition in the weekend. there were loads of intelligent and fabulous design in there. Here is some of the photos i took:

        I really enjoy the exhibition and I would introduce some of their ideas into my work;)

2010年9月19日 星期日

1st 2 weeks of Uni

    Well first of all, I'm Fred/Freddie/YCH (wtever u wanna call). For people who don't know me, I'm from Hong Kong and I hav been study in England for quite a while. I'm studying a Foundation course in Chelsea UAL right now and this is my first time I start to write my blog!! I will probably write every once a week just to keep you update of my life. Besides i think I'm already enjoying it!!
    First week of Uni starting with fashion and textile, which is something that I really not interested to study with... Starting with random drawing on out sketchbook, which really feels like I'm back in the primary school@.@ Though, when we starting turning photos to 3D and starting to stitching, i actually feel quite fun and exciting!! Probably because I never really stitch at all lol
    But yeah, I really enjoy the first 2 weeks of Uni life. Gonna do Fine Art next week, hopes is gonna be good~.~!