2010年10月20日 星期三

Vis Com

 Finally get to do Visual Communication, which is what I really wanted to do in BA course. On the 1st week,we have been photocopying old post cards, cut out of newspapers and magazines, then mixed them together to create a series of collage. Here is some of the photos of my collage in my sketchbook, check them out=)

    In week 2 we have been told to think of a clever way of sending an unspoken message
from a sender to a receiver. This whole table is my final display of my final piece. I don't want to give it away so u can look at the pictures and try and work out what's the message and the sender and receiver@.@:

    The sender is I (in present form) and the receiver is the past of me. the message is to tell myself when I was a kid,  "NEVER STEAL anything from your PARENTS"as it says on the paper aeroplane. The paper aeroplane actually went thought the blue police box (The Dr Who thing which can travel to the past) to get to the past. Besides, all the other things on the table are to present as my childhood table. So the table is to show that the past of me got the message from the presents of me by unwrapping the paper aeroplane.

    Although is a clever idea, a lot of people don't get it... Some thought it is  a message from me to my little brother or to my parents. But i couldn't find a more obiviously way to show more about the sender and the receiver....
    However I find it quite enjoyable, though need to get my brain thinking in a better way to showing and presenting things.  After all, I think would like to carry on doing Vis  Com after the assessment. Let c how does 3D Spatial go~~~

