2011年3月20日 星期日

Idea 01- Boys take 10mins to get ready, Girls take Forever...

    I decided to make a split screen video for this idea. So firstly, during the weekend, I started to take photographs of myself and  my girlfriend to try out different angle and composition.

Here are the photos:

The Boy (Me)

I told my girl friend where to stand to take the photos and what sort of things I want.

1. sleeping and wake up- is really important where to stand during the wake up and walking to the toilet, because is very hard to capture everything, even the face of the boy can't even go in since the room is too small.

2. how to do everything in the same time, really using stop-motion?

    Trying out doing everything in the same time except getting change. But i think during the video working with this and make the actor every uncomfortable. Most important, the toliet is the smallest thing in the world, camera can easily captured by the mirror.

3. getting change, Doing hair:

    If I really filming getting change, is just need to be fade in and out because otherwise it won't work. Or I just keep everything with stop motion of a video outside the toilet door saying everything he has done. Then comes out good and ready to go. I think this is the best way.

    Though, I asked my girl friend to come up closer to take photos of me with different focal point. I think that works really well but if I really show how the boy jell their hair up, he won't get ready within 10 mins lol. Think I will use these kind of angles on the girl during filming. But try out on taking photographs of my girl friend first;)

4. Putting shoes on and going out:

Nothing much need to say about this... Well 1 thing, shoes that much more easier and quicker to put on than mine one... -__- lol

The Girl (my friend)

1. Get up. Brushing teeth and cleaning face (slowly)

    I think she (the actor I will use later on), need to be more 'confident', at least not looking as tired as her lol. Other than that, I think this scene filming like this is fine.

2. Getting change, trying, choosing other clothes...etc

    I think more different angles of videoing will be needed when I'm filming then. I certainly haven't try out enough angles here... But she doesn't really want me to take photos until she put her make up on... I can't do anything about it can I....?

3. Putting make up on

    Ideally, I want the girl sit on the chair and putting make up on the table. But I think this works quite well as well. (though I think I still like her to put her make up on, on the table.) Angles are great on this scene, Will pretty much will do all the angles I captured here during filming. I bear in mind that I need to edit down loads of film anyway... sigh...

4. doing the hair

    Don't think I'm going to have this scene in the final piece because it already had loads of things going on, but she need 2 do her hair anyway so I just try out this angle.

5. choosing bags

    During filming, need to choose a few bags then turn right and left then left to right quickly (girl always do that to see is the bag right or not). Also, I think the mirror is too small here, during filming will have a huge mirror;)

6. Putting shoes on and go out

Girls usually have loads of shoes, want to filming them thinking hard for what shoes to choose.

    After taking these photos and write about my thought about it, I have much more clear mind to film this video. However, as I have said before, I think there are loads of editing waiting for me after filming...:( 

