I got a really good reason not to blog and keep up my reflective journal for the last 2 days... I have been filming and pretty much finish editing now for this video.
Because I'm using split screens to for this video, I need to use a new program called 'Final Cut Pro'. Now is where things gone complicated.... Here is a Screen Shot of how it looks:
It looks complicated and it is very hard to use... Luckily I kind of start editing down earlier in the 'new plan' (orginial plan is a final piece each week, now I only need to work on 2 or 3, so a bit of time have squeeze out.). But still... with at least 12 mins of film (just the girl I'm talking about...), I need at least 3 days to finish it.
Though, after talked to tutor, Max, she taught me some of the basic stuff and I watched quite a bit of the tutorial on You Tube. I managed to work much quicker. Though, there was a problem during editing. Because I want to speed up something up, but they doesn't let me fo it at all... Did everything tutorial tell me need to do, it still not work...
Nevertheless, I talked to Max again and she told me I should try not to speed things up because that will change the pace of the film, which it may just go wrong.
Thanks to this advice, I decided just to fade in and fade out between parts that they don't linked to each other. Because of the girl did a lot of things, (try clothes on, put them down, try other clothes, put make up...etc), when I was editing it down I was worrying that there will be too much fading in and out, which will screw the video up...
However, I think it worked quite well~~!!!! I'm still editing it down, trying to get down to 3 mins at least. Hopes it goes well=]
Here are the photos of the video. Basically is the storyboard of the video, hope you like it:)
Girl wakes up, boy sleeping.
The girl keeps doing what she does everyday and the boy sleep until really late.
The boy 'got up', that bit he was just dreaming and suddenly wakes up. Just saying this in case you don't under stand.
At the 2nd last photos, The boy is hurrying the girl up, is kind of not making sense because they ar not in the same room but is just an imagination to be honest~.~
How does the boy get ready then? I used stop motion in between the video. There is a photo of me setting it up and a photo of the end of the stop- motion part in the video:
Unfortuately..... I have spelling mistake yet again.... "BUSHING" teeth...... I can't believe I did that and there is no kind of way and can video that part back.... ALWAYS LOOK OUT FOR SPELLING MISTAKE..!!!
Other than that, I think the video is going to be awsome;)!!!