During the X mas holidays, we have been set to "create" 3 books from the briefing sheet. Here are some of my sketches in my sketchbook:
Because it is holidays, I didn't work as hard as I did normally. I end up only producing 2 designs out. The title for the 1st one is "The Book That Isn't There". And the other one is "The Reversing Book".
The Book That Isn't There
The idea is turning a book into a box, so when you open the book, there is nothing to read. The concept of a book is lost. so the book is really not there anymore. However, the idea of turning the book into a box is not a new idea, is actually quite an old fashion one. So by making it special, I decided I should craft some layers inside the box which I think it will make the box quite beautiful.
Firstly, I evenly separate "5 sections" in a book. Then I glued each section up, page by page. This is very hard work and took me ages and ages to do so. After that, I end up with 5 layers. For the layer at the start of the 'book', I cut out the biggest hole in it, then gradually cutting out a smaller hole. Therefore end up something like the photo below:
For the cutting process, It was very hard to cut them out because there are loads of glue in between each page. Also , by making it accurate, I carefully measured out the size of the holes by pencil and rule, so each of them are 5mm smaller than each other. Finally I glued the 5 layers up which finish making the box below:
Eventually, I chose to use it as a jewellery box because 'the book' is quite small and is not actually that deep. Therefore I think is perfect for a jewellery box. Though the only problem is you can't put much jewellerys in it due to the fact that 'the book' not that big...
However, because of the 1st time doing this, I haven't glue it carefully so the box is not that perfect. Beside, the book is too small orginally. Therefore, I made 1 more box from a bigger book. Here are some of the photos of that below:
The Reversing Book
The orginally idea of this book actually came from the title called "The Slow Book". It was by taking loads of pictures of my friend doing a lay up and some tricks shooting in a basket ball court. When you printed out in photos, put them into a photo-book and 'read' it, the man in it is actually moving in a slow motion so the book became a 'Slow Book'. However, I don't think this is good enough, so I added in 1 more idea into it~ I'll let you see the photos of the 'product' 1st:
The Storyboard below is what inside the photo-book. The top half of the photo-book is the top half if the storyboard. And the bottom half of the photo-book is the bottom half of the storyboard.
when you normally reading a book from left to right, the top half of the photo-book is actually moving the same direction. But the bottom half of the photo-book, in some sense, it is been read in a wrong direction because it is moving backwards. So you kind of having a reversing idea at the bottom half of the photo-book.