Throughout my life I have been interested in art, and I feel that I have some talent which I would hope very much to develop beyond school. I have won some art prizes at school from a young age, and that I am self-motivated as only a child studying in England since the age of twelve. I feel I have a very strong independent work ethic, and am confident I will be an inquisitive artist who is more than capable of exploring new ideas with little external input.
It has often been said that art is a wonderful form of self-discovery and self-expression, and that is certainly the case for me. I am never happier when I am alone in the art school, progressing my work through experimentations and constantly seeking new avenues of expression.
I am particularly fascinated by advertising, and the creativity of the modern media. I think the role of art and design in selling and packaging information has led to an explosion of creativity in the visual arts. Moreover, my experience in an Art and Design Foundation Course at the Chelsea College of the University of Art London this year has, to some extent, pointed me to the direction that studying within the area of Visual Communication is the way that I want to go.
During an eight-week rotation in the Foundation Course, I was exposed to a huge array of extraordinary talented artists. The interchange of ideas was stimulating and exciting. I was fulfilled to work under an inspiring and motivating atmosphere where I explored different areas of Art and Design, which I had never experienced before. Besides, the different way of working between A-level and Foundation Course has provided me with more freedom in my work and I am able to work in a more mature way. With some respects, having acquired some graphic design ideas behind all my works in A-level, I think I am fully ready to move on to doing a Full BA Course within the area of Visual Communication.
However, I am also inspired by working within the area of 3D spatial. I find it quite enjoyable and challenging by transforming my designs from 2D to 3D. After all, I am strongly enthralled by visual communication as it broadens creativity and extends my techniques further.
Additionally, when it came to group discussions in the Foundation Course, everyone had various bright ideas in their minds. I enjoyed the interactions among my peer group and I wanted to get involved as well as bringing out my ideas. As a keen team sports player, I am used to collaborative working, and feel that I can operate at my best when driving a project forward to eventual success as part of a small team of people whose skills I admire.